Work with Kathleen


Shena Wolf at KO Media Management: 


You can have an online consultation with Kathleen about art and stories. You can ask her anything about those during a 45 minute zoom call. The fee is AU$75.00. Email her at the email above (with time zone and broad topic) to set up a time.

Book Illustration

Kathleen believes (almost) every book should be illustrated! If you'd like her to draw in yours, please contact her with all known relevant details, including proposed dates, style, dimensions and budget. She will be very happy to discuss it further with you from there.

Workshops and Guest Lectures

Kathleen has given workshops and guest lectures for schools, bookstores, councils and universities on a variety of topics relating to illustration, narrative, and career, and is interested in doing more. Workshops she has given include the following: Map Illustration Workshop; A Book Of Marvellous Birds Illustration Workshop; Enhancing Narrative Imagery Workshop; and The Art of Illustration lecture and tutorial.

Private Commissions and Wedding Invitations

If you'd like to contact Kathleen regarding a private commission, please send her an email with a description of what you have in mind (size, style etc), how you want to use the art, and the date by which you would need it. We can discuss it from there!

Illustrator at Large/Artist in Residence

Kathleen has provided a documentary sketchbook record several times at events such as the Brisbane Writers Festival. Her ongoing, jewel-sized images create a vibrant, whimsical record of and commentary on events and action. The art can also be incorporated into your simultaneous social media coverage. She has a strong literary grounding and also a broad interest in and love for the world and its inhabitants, which makes her an excellent and intelligent match for many types of event. Please contact her for more details or to discuss a proposal.

Corporate Illustration

Kathleen is available to provide simultaneous illustrations at your corporate and workplace events. These enhance and ornament proceedings, illustrate concepts, aid visual learners and provide a memorable, visual record of the event which can be reproduced in corporate materials. Please contact her with your proposal or for rates.

Please note: She is based in Brisbane, Australia, and travel costs beyond Brisbane should be taken into consideration, but she does occasionally have work travel to Sydney/Melbourne/Adelaide and annually to LA/NYC/Western Massachusetts/London/Devon.